"I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor."


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Gymnastics WOD

In my post from yesterday I mentioned gaining proficiency with new CrossFit movements (new to me, that is) and cited "pistols" and "handstand walk" as examples. Before doing the gymnastics workout shown in the video, which is of my own design (the workout, that is), I had never done either of these movements as part of a workout. You might guess my satisfaction then for performing at the level I did, completing 100 pistols in total and 125 feet of handstand walking; such numbers came as a pleasant surprise. Writing this a day after the workout, I can say with certainty that handstand walks have a particular knack for taxing the shoulders. You might say that I'm in a lot of trouble with the Trapezius IRS. Wow. Terrible. Why would I write such a thing, let alone display it before the world?

Lastly, just for clarification--a "pistol" is nothing more than a one-legged squat, in case that wasn't made clear in the video. So, essentially, the hip goes from full extension (standing) to full flexion (bottom of the squat) and then back to full extension using only one leg. Fun stuff.

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